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The happenstance of life - Dreaming out loud would be more accurate

Did you ever stop for a second to think? I mean, to actually think and look inside the depths of your soul and analyse how your life developed since you were an innocent and happy child. Do you remember the moment when you started to be aware of how cold and dangerous this world is? Do you remember when you first experienced emotional pain? Do you remember when you first cried for someone who broke your heart? There are infinite things you could think about, but maybe one of the most mysterious ones would be, how did I get here? If you ask me if I believe in fate my answer would be yes, and no. Why? Because I like to believe that something greater than us mere humans traced a path for us to follow and goals for us to achieve, but isn't that defending the lack of free will? Not at all! Even if we have our destiny (how I like to call it) written in the stars, our choices decide the journey we will have in this beautiful and bittersweet life. So yeah, I believe in destiny, and I b

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