The happenstance of life - Dreaming out loud would be more accurate

Did you ever stop for a second to think? I mean, to actually think and look inside the depths of your soul and analyse how your life developed since you were an innocent and happy child. Do you remember the moment when you started to be aware of how cold and dangerous this world is? Do you remember when you first experienced emotional pain? Do you remember when you first cried for someone who broke your heart? There are infinite things you could think about, but maybe one of the most mysterious ones would be, how did I get here?

If you ask me if I believe in fate my answer would be yes, and no. Why? Because I like to believe that something greater than us mere humans traced a path for us to follow and goals for us to achieve, but isn't that defending the lack of free will? Not at all! Even if we have our destiny (how I like to call it) written in the stars, our choices decide the journey we will have in this beautiful and bittersweet life.

So yeah, I believe in destiny, and I believe some things are meant to happen, but we are the major masters of our own fates. The different outcomes are already there, but our choices will determine which ones we will get. It's comforting to think that we already have a template on our life journey's isn't it? I mean, can you imagine the work of planning all of that by ourselves?! FFS!

Being serious now (trying to), it is overwhelming how everything seems to connect when we actually put some thought into it. We start making those meme faces without realising and we start connecting the dots on how that person we met actually introduced us to another person who then introduced us to the love of our life. This is possible for sure, but how is it explained? Are you ready for it? It isn't!
Sorry to disappoint but even I don't possess that kind of wisdom, yet.

We make our life plans, we decide we want to finish high school, get into college, get a good job, have a dog, plant a tree or thousands, buy our own house and maybe, just maybe, find our soulmate and live happily ever after. What if I told you, all of this could change right now, in a second, in less than that. That's all it takes. Life just plays with you, tests you, and it doesn't matter how much you try to understand it, you will go mad trying to.

But that is also the magic of it. That makes us look at life from another perspective. That makes us appreciate the little things, it teaches us not to take anything for granted and most of all, it tells us that we should feel and live in the moment. You never know what can happen, and it is fucking terrifying indeed, but isn't that what makes our blood pump in our veins? The adventure, the journey, the mysteries, the feelings. I'm already wandering too much but just to make it clear, every event led us to this exact moment. That day you were one second late for the bus, that person you stumbled upon in the street and even that night you were writing your heart out just because you "were scared to be lonely?",wait, what?

You see? I'm already going mad just trying to write generally about it. Basically, you can't understand it, all you can do is observe and be amazed when you realise that everything happens for a reason and that one day, eventually, you will know why it was the way it was. Or maybe we will just die ignorant and maybe on the afterlife, we will get all the answers we are searching for. But these are just maybes. And we can't live our lives based on maybes and what-ifs, we just have to live.
